Request free native trees* to clean your water, reduce erosion, and create healthy habitats.
makes us all stronger

Photo Credit: Clagett-KCarroll
We‘re in this together.
You have the land. We have the trees. From the beginning, our team will be there to help you choose from a wide variety of native tree species that will do the most good on your farm — whether that’s holding a streambank in place, maintaining a productive stream-side forest, cleaning water, or providing shade for your livestock. We will also provide access to local tree planting partners, educational programs, and volunteers to maintain tree planting.
And we’re not the only ones pitching in. Many PA counties offer technical assistance including grant funding for streamside preparation, planting, maintenance, and incentive funding. No long-term landowner agreement is required.

Photo Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program
why do you need trees?
When properly selected, trees are workhorses on a farm. Stream bank trees improve and protect local water quality. Their strong roots help keep soil in place, and their leaves provide shade and a natural fence for grazing animals and livestock. Fruit and nut species can provide an entirely new crop (and revenue stream!) for your farm. Trees on your property display good stewardship of natural resources, set a positive example of creation care to other members in your community, and link your farm to the sustainable legacy of Pennsylvania.

Photo Credit: CBF Staff
the bottom line effect of trees
Yes, trees can be costly to plant and maintain. But, current tree-planting grants are available, giving you a unique opportunity for a positive return on investment. Present incentives and USDA-CREP rental rates often produce better average profits compared to row cropping on wet, stream-side soils.
Many PA counties offer technical assistance; including grant funding for streamside preparation, planting, maintenance, and incentive funding.
* Free tree requests will be fulfilled pending eligibility and availability.

Why Plant Trees?
Our partners share an inspiring variety of motivations that moved them to plant trees for Pennsylvania.
Where we plant trees
A guide to the planting types the Partnership focuses on
Landowner Buffer Planting Guide
A guide from the Brandywine Conservancy about all things regarding planting a buffer
Why add edible and floral plants to riparian forest buffers?
Learn more about the benefits of adding edible and floral plants to a buffer
Edible and Floral Riparian Plants
Learn about the various edible and floral plants you can add to elevate your riparian buffer
Multifunctional Riparian Buffers
What they are and how to design them; a guide from DCNR
Possible sources for help with riparian buffers either financial or technical assistance
A chart with information about where to find help with planting a forested buffer
Selecting vegetation for riparian restoration
Information regarding species, vegetation selection and answers about design of riparian buffers
Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping
From the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, this guide dives into the basics of Conservation Landscaping, why to use native plants and their impact on wildlife
Buffer My Stream
Guide from DCNR about streamside buffers and how to buffer your own stream
Pennsylvania Farmstead Assessment
Describes voluntary farm evaluation that can be used to affirm that the farm is being managed in an environmentally sensitive way
CREP, EQIP & USDA Programs
A guide to numerous funding opportunities and the differences between them
Protecting Your Farm’s Groundwater Quality
How to prevent pollution in your water supply
Say Yes to More Efficient Farming and a Healthier Environment – Adopt No-till
All about no-till farming. Question and answer format
Stream Bank Fencing and Stream Crossing
Describes cost effective way to improve water quality in streams and protect herd health
Why plant trees postcard
Learn more about if you are eligible to have trees planted on your property and how we can help
One Pager
Everything you need to know – and share – about our campaign
Frequently Asked Tree Questions
8 of the most common questions people want to know
Campaign Postcard - Spanish
An efficient overview of our campaign translated into Spanish
Landowner Guide to Buffer Success
A step by step guide on how to plant and maintain forested buffers successfully

Begin your tree request by filling out one simple form.