Now is the time to request free trees for spring planting!
What do you want trees to do for your land?

Photo Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program
Improve Local Water Quality
Trees are powerful (and natural) water treatment plants. They naturally reduce polluted runoff and supercharge a stream’s ability to clean itself. Buffers planted along stream sides have been proven to increase a stream’s ability to process nutrients and organic matter itself by up to 8 times.

Photo Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program
Combat Soil Erosion and Runoff
Trees’ strong roots hold soil in place. They reduce the impact of stormwater runoff by intercepting rainfall, enhancing the ability of soils to absorb water, increasing evapotranspiration into the air, and by filtering out pollutants.

Photo Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program
Create Healthy Environments
Trees are powerful air and water filters that can absorb and break down harmful pollutants, keeping humans and livestock safe and healthy. Their broad canopies provide the comfort of shade for animals.

Why location and size of tree plantings matters
Wondering how K10 sorts through and prioritizes tree request? This blog will answer any of your questions.

Begin your tree request by filling out one simple form.