Horn Farm Center for Agricultural Education
Born out of the successful effort to save the farm from industrial development in 2000, the Horn Farm Center for Agricultural Education was established as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation in 2004. The Horn Farm leases the property from York County. In 2016, two milestones were reached. First, a conservation easement was placed on the 186-acre property thus preserving the farm in perpetuity. Second, the term of the lease between the county and the Horn Farm Center was extended to 99 years. We are committed to restoring ecological health to both the fields and semi-wild spaces on the farm while providing nutritious food to our community. Our programs encourage others to learn to do the same.
- 4945 Horn Rd, York PA 17406
Type of Organization:
- Agriculture/ Education
- York
Technical Expertise:
Funding Options Available: