Planting themselves is one of the only things that trees CAN‘t do
Trees are powerful forces of nature. We all know that they contribute to a cleaner environment, but they’re also critical to even aspects of life you might not expect like personal health, well-being, and quality of life.

Photo Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program
trees are powerful (and natural) water-treatment plants
Pennsylvania is a water-rich state with over 85,500 miles of rivers and streams, which means we have a lot of natural water to keep clean. Trees naturally reduce polluted runoff and stabilize streambanks, supercharging our streams’ ability to cleanse themselves of pollution. Buffers planted along streamsides have been proven to increase a stream’s ability to process nutrients and organic matter itself by up to 8 times.

trees are good for your health
Trees filter the air we breathe and the water we drink, absorbing and breaking down pollutants before they can do us harm. Plus, they’ve been linked to lower blood pressure, reduced stress, and improved moods.

trees bolster our economy
Trees impact our state’s economy in both obvious and surprising ways. The landscaping and nursery industries rely on income from tree sales, while Pennsylvania’s massive outdoor recreation industry relies on trees’ ability to shade, clean, and feed cold streams. Trees have also been linked to increased productivity in the farming industry.
On a per capita level, trees can reduce residential costs like heating and cooling, water treatment, and flood and stormwater treatment. They’ve also been proven to reduce health care costs and increase property values.

Photo Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program
trees keep our farms on solid ground
Trees help keep one of Pennsylvania’s greatest assets – its soil – on the field where it’s needed to produce the food we eat. Tree roots, woody debris, and leaves help improve soil health, stabilize streambanks, and shade animals in pasture.

dig in to the movement
Learn, watch, then get involved!
Photo Credit: BJ Small
learn the scienceJust the facts in black and white (and a little bit of green).
Photo Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program
how we do itWe WILL get 10 million trees in the ground by 2025.
Photo Credit: Arbor Day Foundation
video + audioExpert advice and information on how - and why - to plant trees.